Carevel Foundation 

Investing in the Future         

Our Philosophy






Our philosophy is simple—the challenge must provide a basis for understanding OUR OWN LIVES and empowering a healthier, more productive and well diverse life.   The goal of the foundation— is mammoth.   Once we identify what we want to accomplish for people and where we can have the greatest impact, we commit to that area of need.  The Foundation will define the major goals and identify a clear path to achieving those goals.

Our Mission


Our executive leadership team oversees all the foundation's efforts. The committee meets regularly to ensure that all of our teams perform efficiently and to facilitate cross-functional connections.

Dr. Anna Villafane 

Chief Executive Officer, Executive Office

Dr. Ana Villafane leads the foundation's efforts to promote equity for all people around the City of Jersey City, County of Hudson and State of New Jersey

Carmen Mendiola 

Chair Person and Trustee

Carmen E. Mendiola shapes and approves foundation strategies, advocates for the foundation's issues and sets the organization's overall direction.

We develop goals and strategies before allocating resources and making investments. The Foundation shall serve to promote development and enrich the lives of children, woman and men by supporting initiatives in the arts, education, youth development and health human services. Our team will provide open discussions to identify the needs and challenges we must achieve to promote the development.

Evelyn Padin

Co-chair and Trustee

Evelyn Padin shapes and approves the foundation's strategies, reviews results and sets the overall direction of the organization 

Our work will be done in collaboration with grantees and other partners, who join with us in taking risks, pushing for new solutions and harnessing the transformative power of education, health, development and science.  We strive to engage with our grantees and partners in a spirit of trust, candid communication and transparency.  Our collective efforts also depend on the support and resources of governments, the private sector, communities and individuals.


Nidia Colon-Davila


Nidia Colon-Davila guides the vision and strategic direction of the foundation and serves as an advocate for the foundation's key issues.

Carmen Mosca


Carmen Mosca helps shape our vision and develop strategies to address some of the county and states most challenging inequities.

Ed Lombard 

Chief Financial Officer, Operations

Ed Lombard, CPA oversees finance and accounting, financial planning and analysis, strategic planning, grants and contracts management and several special initiatives. 

Franchesca Blanco 

Chief Human Resources Officer

Special Projects & Operations

Franchesca Blanco oversees the human resource team and aligns services and processes to support the foundation's strategies and efforts.

Walter Schneider 

General Counsel and Secretary Operations

Walter Schneider, Esq. manages all of the foundation's legal needs, provides guidance and develops creative solutions to support the foundation's programmatic objective.

Ashley Charen 

Chief Financial Officer, Operations

Leads the foundation's efforts to advance student achievement for all young people in the Hudson County and across the United States 
